So pumped for the #hrpah Holiday party! Here’s a preview! http://pic.twitter.com/l0xuhtPU
At every event, we invite a local charity to be present to share information about their services with our members. Our December Charity receives a special gift – the proceeds from our silent auction and door prize ticket sales. The CEO and founder of Safety Net Services was with us Dec 11, and shared the story of Safety Net. What a fabulous community organization! Very proud to have supported them.
Safety Net Services helps build self reliance – they find root cause and helps manifest change for positive #HRPAH
Safety net services provides one to one tutoring and mentoring to help children realize the importance of education #HRPAH
Safety net services offers free one to one music tutoring. Money shouldn’t be an obstacle to the arts #HRPAH
The crowd at #HRPAH hearing drone the founder and CEO of Saftey Net Services, our holiday charity #HRPAH http://pic.twitter.com/ejtNctBX
Some of our silent auction items #HRPAH http://pic.twitter.com/UraeSDcb
More silent auction items #HRPAH http://pic.twitter.com/EY78VtUM
RT @HRPAHalton: . @JoanneRoyce reminds our #HRPAH members that there is still time to participate in our mentoring program http://pic.twitter.com/Ezc3R2Q8
Our speaker for the evening was Elfreda Pretorius, who shared her story of personal tragedy and the triumph of mind over body that changed her life and helped her live her passion.
Elfreda Pretorius – our speaker for this evening. #HRPAH http://pic.twitter.com/S4BrEbcU
RT @HRPAHalton: 26,000 people in #Oakville live below the poverty line – #HRPAH in support of Safety Net Services
A spellbound crowd listening to @elfredap sharing her story if transformation #HRPAH http://pic.twitter.com/1pahHWDz
Wow. Elfreda Pretorius has the crowd silent and spell bound with her story. #hrpah HRPA Halton December event.
Great event! “@JoanneRoyce: Wow. Elfreda Pretorius has the crowd silent and spell bound with her story. #hrpah HRPA Halton December event.”
Incredible power of the brain. Use the power of focus to move from mediocrity to genius! #hrpah
What do you have that is really and truly special. Sing your song. – Elfreda Pretorius. #hrpah
Thank you @HRPAHalton for live tweeting tonight. I was disappointed to miss the event due to a conflict but am enjoying your tweets! #HRPAH
@staceymharris sorry you’re not here – awesome speaker ! We will see you in January… #HRPAH
Don’t undermine yourself. Don’t let your negative voice shut the door of opportunity. #hrpah
There were many winners, lots of photos – to be shared with our members in an upcoming newsletter!
And event volunteer @RyanTaylor026 wins the beautiful Swarovski crystal and silk purse #HRPAH http://pic.twitter.com/RxL9M77U