How I’m Getting Past Writer’s Block

How I’m Getting Past Writer’s Block

I have been struggling with writer’s block lately… it all started with a viral post on LinkedIn. I wrote about “how I stopped sucking at networking”, and within hours, had tens of thousands of views and hundreds of comments. I felt a little like the Chewbacca mom probably felt in the first few hours after her post – although she’s certainly benefitted from her virality!

The funny thing is, that post that so many appreciated was one I wrote in less than an hour. It just flowed out of me. But since then, I feel like each post needs to be some sort of profound dissertation. And the thoughts have stopped flowing…

Sure, I’ve written several posts since then, but usually there’s a Point to each of them. Something new I learned, great insights from thought leaders, a situation that relates to something I’m impassioned about…

When I started blogging, it was for me. It was an outlet for me to get my thoughts about HR, work culture, and leadership, out of my head, and to make sense of them. I didn’t worry about who would read my posts. I didn’t worry about whether there was a Point to each post. I just wrote.

Now, the fear monster, as my sister would call it (check out her podcast about this) has crept in, laughing at me from his corner. I can almost see him if I turn my head quick enough… He’s triggering fears of not being smart enough, not doing enough, not being good enough for the world to read my thoughts. My Imposter Syndrome has kicked in, but I’m kicking it’s ass out of here!

IMG_1115Today, I decided I just need to write. I needed to get out of my head, step away from my office and get outside. I came to my happy place today, and that’s where I am typing this from right now. I have a view of the lake. The breeze is stirring the leaves and branches around me. I can hear birds singing and, occasionally, children laughing from the garden a few hundred metres away. I’m nestled into a shady bench between massive pine trees.

I often ask leaders where they get their best ideas, or feel at their best. None of them have ever said “at my desk in my office”. So I encourage them to get outside, experience nature, walk the dog – whatever it is that works for them. Today, I took my own advice. Besides, in a ROWE™, “Work isn’t a place you go, it’s something you do.™”

The sunshine is exposing the fear monster. The geese are laughing at him. The fresh air is feeding my soul.

And I’m writing.