My eHarmony Story

You’ve heard the online dating success stories: “my friend Sam met her husband on eHarmony”, or “I was just at an eHarmony wedding”. As a single person in the 21st century, I had to give eHarmony a try. So why write about it on my business blog?  Because my eHarmony story is actually about a lack of digital fluency, extremely poor customer …

Never Give an Apology as a Leader?

SHOULD YOU NEVER SAY YOU’RE SORRY? If we can agree that people are innately not perfect creatures, then we can also agree that leaders will make mistakes at certain points in their career. Some will be small, some will big, and some mistakes will be downright disastrous. It seems common sense that people like apologies. But, how do we REALLY feel …

How to create a disengaged employee in 4 easy steps…

1. Don’t include your employees in the big-picture purpose of their role. This means that when your employees are working, they are completing their tasks – without thinking of the bigger reason why they are completing their tasks. Unfortunately, they won’t feel connected to the company, and they won’t be strategically aligned with overall company …

7 Ways Great CEOs Are Made

I had the pleasure of attending the Burlington Economic Development Corporation’s luncheon this week. There are some amazing companies in Burlington Ontario, and it made me proud of the golden horseshoe region to see how well so many are doing. In fact, the 2nd fastest growing company in Canada is based right in Burlington – Life Science …

To forgive or not to forgive – when TRUST is broken at work

Break in trust = Negative outcome. Questions: Have you ever had a boss or an employee break your trust? Have you ever lost confidence in the sincerity of a colleague? What is the fallout of broken trust? Productivity and employee engagement may be compromised. Tension can be prevalent throughout company culture. Employees could lose confidence in the …

Leadership Lessons from Ed Sheeran on the Howard Stern show

On days like these, I miss having an hour long commute and being able to listen to my favourite radio show, the Howard Stern show. Today, Howard was interviewing Ed Sheeran, the English singer-songwriter who sings hits like “SING”, “Lego House” and “The A Team”. I’m sure the entire interview was fabulous (and …

How To Participate in a Twitter Chat

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about how Zappos builds strong employer brand using a twitter chat, #insidezappos. I believe that digital fluency is the literacy of the 21st century, and twitter chats are a great way to use digital fluency to communicate and connect with people. The first time I participated in one, I was overwhelmed and amazed by the …

Little Things Make A BIG Difference To Customer Service!

Look out for the little BIG things that your employees do every day. Awesome customer service choices (even if small) add up. And, more importantly – they are helping you keep your business alive. Look for your hidden gems! They work hard, take pride in their work, and usually have a smile on their face. According to the Workplace Reinvention …